Weight (wait) + (way) out = Perspective

I have been running with no way out
The weighing out of decisions
Weighing me down with imprecision
Paths of thoughts of patterns reconditioned
If I chose to not choose at all
Would I risk losing someone for fear of not seeing how I bleed internally?
I hear the air blowing across my studio
There is no other sound
I can choose to sit here for awhile
And this heart still pounds and aches and moans
Over a position of love and nihilism
Read until I grow tired of reading
Walk until I grow tired of walking
Talk and listen until I grow tired of conversation
Voices lost to sliding out doors of loving associations
I am brain dead jogging with no remorse for the grass that will grow green over me
All around are worn out, tasteless and pretty faces
Dysgeusia and Synesthesia matches my disease
No one else can see the taste; the bittersweet
But where does it all go to?
Where is the way out
If there is no lea on another side
Why do we pretend to hide
In our closed rooms and locked doors
When can I welcome a way out
In a summer where weather doesn't matter
I get close to gratitude's pleasure
She finds me in my stupor
I look up to ask her
where is the door
That leads to the way
She says with a smile
It's a window silly
Can't u see?