Tuesday Cool Runnings

Tuesday Cool Runnings
An Earl Grey at Stella & Fly's, Upper East Side Cafe and Wine Bar, July 6th 2021.

Nigel humming a tune along the bar line
Stella & Fly's around before nine
Sipping an Earl Grey and I am feeling fine

The air covered with heaviness
Hey hey jealousy, thank you for passing by
Cinnamon sits inside my cup to guise
And take care of the child

A moon waxes and wanes
The dog cries in the street
Everything leaves and became
Something other than yesterday's beat

The oppresive clouds can't take it
Mixes of hot sun and stars shine
Yellow lights flash against the window pane
To take your cadence again, the random passerby
Catches you in mid-thought, a forgettable moment
Words pour out now like the tired clouds
I pour out the immeasurable cuts inside

The cup of dreams

Secret gardens in your fractals
The magnetic and cosmic force that blends to a
Knowable outcome within the spectrum of your hue

Tears crying, people denying, feelings subsiding
A drama unfolding, the love below, and a light shining
And Nigel smokes a cigarette outside

The long winded cloud moves on toward the desert
Stream, a wet avenue moves with the strokes of water molecules
It is all too Kalos, along these lines
Reaching an oblivion

Out of the blue, near the black
Blowing steam and rolling along
She is gone and everything is beginning to be forgot

A pen without ink
Better to be lost than to sink
Into a sea of nothing

We have a compass, a gleam of comfort
Walking through an amber door of divinity
Colors changing naturally

Spreading across my pre-frontal
Nude expressions and a canvas sans strokes
Of the impressions running against the clouds

Without people and a slight fixated look at the rain
I wouldn't have noticed her perfection standing there
Getting wet before the lights in the upper east side

While I sit and write and drink wine at Stella & Fly's
Oh what a rich life, as a poor passerby

And Nigel is humming