The Best of You (Cascadas en Abril)

Chai Moka Chino Latte
I figure all the words that she'd say
Run down the tip of your tongue
To remind me of the turning of your iris
A four year scroll papyrus paper of a shell
Wrapped inside a bottle awashed on the bed
Of a sea thousands of pebbles unseen
He walks upon Her message, when She looks straight at He
I would order the tallest glass of cream filled
coffee with a touch of laughter still lifting our seats
Then we would know the meaning behind the words
And why we often tend to meet
In years gone by, people seem to stop and change
Did they notice the lights had been rearranged
To give them permission to go as they please
Oh please, remember when we held hands to cross the street
Our rigid alterations shift the fabric
Subtle cadences sway without a labyrinth
Lovers rock to a new Hungarian Exit
A cafe on the upper east side, Kissed
Flowers save themselves for a season
Until you try to be them, don't pluck away
Just sit and say, I love you for good reason
To take you in and drink your essence
And the pictures that you paint
With your sun in the eyes
And your kitten smile tells me a raison d'êntre
O I could leave this park in rest in tender rhapsody
When all I see everywhere is sweet reminders of why the wind carried me back here
And the color of your over shirt is peach coral
And the sky is clear
As you press against me, on a tree that's near
All I feel is all is real and all this is, es un sueño hermoso
April whispers her translation of the zephyr
The Ephemeral delights in you and me
We bask in heavenly ease, just for a moment
Like Waterfalls