French Wine & Conversation (In a Parisian Setting)

Lauren & Bamboo, sitting in a living room with the sound of rain pouring outside our windows...

Exchanging glances and political conversation.

After finding wine (French Red Natural) earlier in the day, Ian & I make a dash to our homestay.

With a fresh new pair of Puma boxer briefs, I still was awkwardly walking with chaffed legs, we somehow managed to make it to the busy area where Lauren & Bamboo's fifth floor apartment was located. After making it through the first door, then gate, & windy tightly quartered staircase to the top floor.

We were greeted warmly by the couple, shown our place which had a bed to share, kitchen table to place our luggage & two windows overlooking the street below us & across were similar looking apartments with businesses on the street floor.

Frissons For Days

When I gazed at the two, I saw genuine love & I could tell Ian & I were in a place we could call home - even if it was just for two days.

It was as if we were familiar strangers, reacquanting ourselves with old friends. To say the least, we felt welcome. We had spliffs passed around, & vino was gladly appreciated. Nico, a friend stopped by & we discussed his work for B&W and Le Mans (An epic race of classical proportion). We (as a whole) discussed the political situation in Cuba & the incredible paradox of living in poverty yet being totally content & happy with the present-day momentary life. Overall it was an international intercultural bliss of a moment.