Screenplay Idea: "Oxbow"

Angelo Gonzalez
Writers’ First Draft
Hears sound of rumbling 1998 Volkswagen Passat engine and steam piping out of the exhaust. Steps are taken up the stairs into the public marketplace. The sudden anticipation of the main character drifts inside the doors and the camera showcases the backside of his head and subsequently turns the complete 360 degrees to capture the lively Oxbow with all of it's grandeur with visitors and regulars alike. (Normally - opening them song opens with the main character moving around the Oxbow's little shops, waving to regulars and employees/friends to signal other characters within the show/season.
Narrator (O.S.): Hey, so I'm new here. And was looking for... No. Hi, so I don't know how to say this but... Well, there is just so many options...What do you like here? Jesus, get on with it, it's not like you have any commercial breaks here, you idiot... Whatever you do, just don't embarrass yourself, don't be that guy."
Angelo, the main character stares blankly at the coffee lady (who hasn't had her coffee yet) and then subsequently says out loud: "I don't know what to say."
CL1: (stares blankly at cash register stand): (subconsciously says: "Oh my god, he's being that guy") - "Would you like to order something today? Preferably caffeinated?"
Angelo smiles and acknowledges the half hearted sarcasm.
Angelo: About that... I'll just take a Cortado.
CL1: Okay. One Gibraltar. For here or to go?
Angelo: (subconsciously - What the fuck is a Gibraltar, is that some kind of San Fran hipster bullshit?)
Angelo: A Gibraltar?
CL1: Yeah it's essentially the same thing. For here or to go?
Angelo: (Subconsciously - Don't be that guy. Please God no, no curious George act here)
Angelo: So what are the origins of the name - Gibraltar?
CL1: (Subconsciously - For chrissakes do I look like a middle aged Anthropologist, for here or to fucking go?)
CL1: I actually don't know where the name actually comes from, I just know how to make it.
Angelo: Well this has been enlightening... I'll have the Cortado for here, thank you.
CL1: Sounds great, what was your name again sir?
Angelo: Whoa, we just barely met... I mean, I like you and all but I think we're moving a bit too...
Cl1 stares blankly & starts to get mildly irritated.
Angelo: Angelo, my name is Angelo. Not Angela... That happens way too often at Starbucks.
Cl1: Sure hun, okay no worries we'll call you up to the bar when your coffee is ready.
Twenty minutes later
Cl2: I have a Gibraltar for Angela, ready at the bar!
Angelo stares at the camera...
crédits d'ouverture/le thème commence