Poetic Saturdays

I am photographer zooming in and out of this world
Wondering where to focus
I am writer writing for clarity
I thought you would have known this
These words are twisted and tied up
Like you have me

The story I heard, from your sweet whispers
Haunt me in my sleep
All the while comforting me in my midsummers dream
You are a woman of all seasons, you are this beautiful rhyme scheme

The full color spectrum of something obscene
Yet the baffled king still composed his lovely melody

For the woman who stole his heart and left it in a whole world apart
Alone and forgotten, he felt not
Only to remember his lover's web caught
A brief wind of memory's air
Gliding past your ears, whispering, you could still hear
The moment in which

Two lovers came to bear
Naked, what is inside
Discovered and closed their eyes
And fell into another
Like a crash against the waves
For love to find us of all people
I never thought it'd be so simple
And stars that we could be
Living, breathing and feeling you next to me
That kept me sane and filled me
We can screenshot life's darkest tragedy
And still find hope within love's scope
So I'd take a picture and let it come into her majesty
Only to find the light that burns for eternity
Is inside both you and me