Losing Sleep.

There are thoughts that go unnoticed
Time lost to no one
A river stream that shows
The long and windy, I must stay
If by some chance, I lose some sleep
If by chance, I can't find it
I wanted you to show me the room
Where I could find my head to lay
Who is the counter of these steps
That trickles down the hall
Finding you was easy
It is the money spent, my downfall
When the hands grow tired
By the minutes and the hours
When you see me
For all that I am, would you stay?
Stillness shutters behind the optics
Nerves attract your signal
Waves make shapes and patterns
A cylindrical feeling beyond com[pair]
It is these words that draw meaning
It is in the waiting for your reply
I waltz into your intimate tango
Your glance brings me back
Somewhere where the waiting stops
I am all that the stars and angels wish upon
In the night sky and lunar eclipses
The anything that could be different ~ is good