El Sol y Miel y La Flor del Mar

El Sol y Miel y La Flor del Mar

Her garden is like the Amazon
Her eyes darken as you look into them
A crazy kitten smile, she moves in the room
Across sits the camera open to a world
Hidden in images and illusions, smoke and mirrors

Oceans apart, he sits restless
Wandering against the waves
Waiting for the night to pass

How often does she think, he thinks
What consumes the inside

Does the back of her mind
Turn to flashing lights at first sight
Is there the electric current flowing through

Surging within the spine
A riptide, current of air pressed along her breasts
Coming in, going out, and coming back in again

Her gaze deepens and artificial intelligence runs amok
In our time of perils, we accelerate the rush
Risk and survival, time and rhythm

A slowing down of the senses, I catch you in me
Dancing with our raw unfiltered honey
Dripping on her hard wooden floor

She is like the divine fruit
Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh
At last

Her nose wrinkled by time and the wind
Caressing a smile that curves all along her pathless woods

He returns to clothes from home
A place no longer known
A perennial heart that grows
Como que las flores de Colombia

In all seasons and time of the ocean wind
kisses blown to the mountain and felt through green hills
A paradise lost unto the eyes
Secrets kept hidden in foggy dreams
She lives freely there