For The Unpaid

What good is it if the man gets paid a wage
But his intern remains an unpaid slave?
Strangers in a not so distant land
For generations we've been coming
But haven't seen a change in our incoming
In and out of higher debt, that's all higher education seems to amount to
A death to a class that never had the chance for truth
As lady liberty dreams the dance
I ask my parents for a another rental allowance
Just to stay alive, even though I think this dream is about to die
A life worth several thoughts to reconsider
When a penny is worth more than the penny pincher
& what they sold to you
Pigeon food per diem
I can't even carpe 15 minutes in a row
Where's the harvest, when I've lost my soul?
What benefit can you reap to hold
When all we do is rent and not even own
The capital and accumulation of the succubus
When did victimizing become the talk we so often touch?
To feel the real is the epitome of depression
When will we learn the real lesson?
Of the value of our nature & our work
When the voices of those afflicted by the system be heard?
Questions are unmasking the lasting truth as we turn the page
Of the decades lying in the shade
I just had to be the one who wrote these days
Down on paper, ink in blood
Keep on thinking of innovation
So I can sip the poison water that they made for us
While those suffering on the border
I can't even afford a
A moment to breathe, clean air can you catch for me?
Do I have to move to a place where they don't even want me?
Why not, I couldn't gamble less than the intricate plot
Than looking over my shoulder, waiting for the gun that told you
To leave the Middle East, Africa or Central American streets
Walking for miles, listening to the sirens behind
Splitting families, and losing my mind
Working the fields until my eyes go blind
To all the un-justice around, bound to a generation of struggle
As long as my family gets the better hustle of the day
But they don't even want to play in that game
They call it capital, there isn't any other way
So the grandson gets the education
Living the American Dream
But when he screams
No one hears
The unpaid