El Poema de Cumpleaños (Una Gran Memoria)
Lolo at The MoMA New York, NY ~ Circa 2021

Twenty eight lines of rhyme
Enough time to say more than 27 ways
In which you are loved today
26, I could have missed
25, on the date of May I could have died
Twenty four hours in a day under the moon above
Out of twenty three moments I've shared with you...
It was love, found at the hour of bold 22's
Even if turning 21 meant a new chapter
20 was all about pursuing the soon there after
Who knew you as young as leaving the last year of your teens (19)
Only to discover all of your 18 dreams
Were only the obscenities, a future reality of being 17
And don't forget the daydreaming at 16
And the remnants of youth in the fresh minute of 15
No one could expect to blink at 14
Only the fond middle school dances at 13,
however the chances to be cool & inviting
All these memories might seem ~ The body changing with 12 steps
No one paying attention to the inner beauty & breath that...///////////
Eleven out of ten times in your life ~ you may have failed
And nine of those times, felt like you were in hell
Only to find God shows you the 8th wonder of the world
And it's the seventh day you found rest and the pearls
Amongst friends, the girls, and people
& they love you for energy that grows feeble
All the treasures hidden underneath your chest
A heart of gold discovered under the sixth hour of a sunset
We find your eyes glisten just as bright when you were five
Playing to your heart goodbyes & a four part jive
Dancing to the rocking in your mother's arms & the humming of your father
~ The Holy Trinity.
Set apart as two ~ but together as one infinity.
you came into the universe ~ to share your beautiful light
with everyone & everything , you all shine so brightly
when you are here underneath the sun
Now at the hour that has just begun
~ Lolo