
The air that comes from solar flares is holy
Do not give it to wild dogs
How the dial passes without the masses to stop
For a little thing called consideration
Trampled under foot by swine, we push for pearls
To impress upon the world our second birth
A supernatural flow that does not know
It came from and to which it will go
Soon you will see the dogs that treat you like dogs
Were never meant to be wolves to begin with
Why pass the tide when you know it's all a waste
Do not give to the wild dogs what your soul wishes to taste
A touch of freedom
The tender grass under foot
Mother Nature, they call her
From long after you were born the first time
The cool dew that calms you into a moment that you can rewind
And swim and twirl your head back and forth like Stevie Wonder
In the 1960s
Everything is alright, when you find your groove again
So when you hit those lowest of the lows
And not even the moon will listen to your call
The wolf will survive
When he sees another by his side
That is the rare treasure
a seed that can be held together
by the smallest of drops of water
by the unmentionable conversations in close rooms
The one where tears flow over
I remember
Were you there?
Do you remember?
Thank you for remembering
Thank you for being there
For being here
All this time, I finally noticed you
When you stop feeding the dogs
And start nourishing the wolf
The pack finds you
Wolves ravenously
choose to be
near you
In the forest