

To hell with dreams
Because this is true
Oh my goodness
Uttered from the man who had dreamt his whole life away

To be found in a moment
Where reality touches the cobblestone bricks of rooms built long ago,
A struggle for the subconscious to slip away into the dark night of the senses
I remember

For to let the dream be captured into words, into language
It was magic at first,
when we spoke without sound
To turn a dream under the lights and slightly above water

We see into the screen and break down walls
Towering ourselves into the babel
Lost in the Cartesian Mind
The transfixed ideas transported across the spirals inside

We discover a way to understand each other
After dying of building a city to reach the heavens
We scatter to find our never ending truths

Swallowed by pride
Burnt to the ground to see our honest side
Can only foundations be made
With the great erosions of time?

Our ziggurats of antiquity made for you and me
Thousands of years of adding little sugar in our desert
A great big countryside empties for the urban empty
Abyss found in our close living rooms

All too often, a family semblance
Cannot be felt in the cold cold silence
Our thoughts are the only voices we here
Are prone to listening to

The spirit inside seeks refuge now
The spirit that hides and cannot be found
I walk through parks
Jaded with photographs of yesterday

All that is lost cannot be recovered
Like big smoke outside in the distance of Big Sur
And the ocean of memories inside a dream
Photographs of yesterday and yet I am still breathing

And oh my goodness, oh my goodness