Cloudy Mysteries (Of A Spotted Mind)

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Remember the time
Keep on typing
And try to find the reasons why
To hold back this longing for conversation with a stranger
I only knew from years ago
Is it too late to understand the present
But never quite time to let go (of the thought)
It would be like a summer's day
Where the cool breeze gently caressed your hair
A single drop of sweat dripped down my face
In utter amazement at the moment in which I lost control
I only saw your eyes
Nothing else mattered
Turned into something unexpected
Never forced
But rather a force
A vibration of energy that moved like a subtle ocean in the wake of morning
When no one has awoken to your truth
Yet you splash onto me like water
I hang onto your words like artful impressions on a blank canvas
The psychedelic patterns of creativity flood my thoughts
Only to create
A smile for you
The only physical trait that demonstrates my Zen
Split into two
The East rises to meet the West
A balance of unknowns
So many questions and lack of understanding & am I feeling alone?
The overarching confidence that builds
Up into the heavenly state of blissful wishful thinking
The infinite terrifying and awesome multiplicity of thoughts
Showcases it's futuristic mountain range and scope yet there can be only one reality
That provides this universe ::: With Love ::: something worth reaching across for
If not for absolute oblivion after this life, then why not live for the possibility?
Adventure awaits
(Photo Credit: Angelo Luis Gonzalez, November 2017, Muir Woods National Park, California)