
Feed back the fruit loops in morning bowls
Off the diving board, inner ceiling pool
and I slipped silently into
Two years, and a seismic difference
Dropped off in the deep pacific, no specifics
When my pieces were swept away, after school
In New York, I went from automatic to manual
Shifting speeds, past the red light on a hill
In Central Park,
There was rain outside and manufactured bikes
that would ride around the sloped corners
no thoughts would come around the green bends
The nocturnal walks I took with the ember of some thing forgotten
A thought of perfume would softly escape through the back door
Absconding leaves from a fallen season
My stomach churning with holding on
And these manufactured emotions with my motion
Made my feet tell me I was wasting time
But I had nowhere to go
Only this - To see and to feel
And close my eyes
One breath at the sign of
Happiness that calls with the London Planetrees
& everything bagels from my primo on the corner bodega
Without a thought of you to see
I held the hands shaking from the elderly
We are all just fragile human beings
Sensing, and hoping, to find as belonging leaves
And I step outside the front door
This just may be another walk, picking up the pieces
Without any words, without any thought and I smile remembering
That maybe - this is just another walk