and(y) things happen.

Andy moves into a New York space
Where the emptiness spills
Can provide cheap thrills and hot dog stands
With undefinable loss and coins tossed
Into cups of hungry faces unmanned
Andy misses his toys and cases
Wishes he could grab them back from the shoebox wasted
And curls into a tiny ball on a tiny bed in a tiny New York apartment
Trying to remember that the pain comes after the fall kid
Until the thought of touching the stars
Recalls memories of imaginary cars
Andy flies out the window wide
Remembers how fast the city moves downtown at night
The dusky lights permeate and makes you wait
While magic moves past fog scraping the sky
Raindrops against the window slog, cast shadows that just might
Precede lightning sounds that picture the flash
Beautiful details, Andy forgets to ask the man named Dash
What to say and how to follow
The moment to leave and breathe and to swallow
Words slowly slip and meander
Comes along like a song of fresh water
From the river of ease and saudade
and the rain that brings peace out loud
Andy dances and feels the drums bashing
Like electric waves crashing
From head to his cheap penny loafers
The rain washes what he had felt over and
Back on the American tube
What thoughts could picture if they had a view on the 2
Andy happens to go outside his apartment for a few
In a Japanese Kimono from SoHo
And a cup of tea going slow cold
Still warm inside as Andy walks down the set
In a love chokehold, last ex phone call drops so
Andy sees the water droplets
Outside the front door of the devastation complex
On the steps of the stoop they go
Rain drops keep falling down like summer snow
Something that Andy needed, a natural show
Was it the sky or eyes precipitating around the nose
Andy smiles and Andy knows
From the past and the future glows
When he passes on
the sidewalk glance is gone
And beams for the chance
Found within a redemption song
As Andy sees himself
Andy wants you to be happy too.
Sometimes that is the ending
of a poetic view
Like the rain that came
And(y) things had to happen
Sometimes I write just because I miss
The spiders that washed out and found spouts
It (pain) is (is what) what (love) it (felt like before) is.